
Golden Week memories..

Last week the school was closed, as like most of you, we had our Golden week break. icon01

I hope you've all had a wonderful time alone or with family and friends... time to rest, enjoy yourselves, reflect and gather strength for the coming Spring transitioning into summer months ahead.

Some of you may have traveled far and wide, but me and the family stayed most days right at home, enjoying the garden, walks around nearby roads and play in the parks close to the house.
On Sunday it rained so much the entire day. icon03emoji06
Kind of funny, ironic maybe, the last day of the holiday and we were all forced in instead of spending the day out in the Spring sun.
Maybe it was nature telling us all to take it easy, especially during that last day of our break, because hard work is ahead... rest well, for tomorrow you'll be busy busy busy again.

I felt bad keeping my son indoors the entire day, so I thought to myself why not go outside, have some play time in the afternoon rain before treating ourselves to a warm cleansing shower afterwards.
So that is exactly what we did. It was a blast and the little one had a great time outside getting himself drenched head to toe. face02

Golden Week memories..

Golden Week memories..

Golden Week memories..

School opened again yesterday.
So happy to be seeing all our students again, excited for many fun lessons ahead, and as always, looking forward to be seeing many more new people, young and older, interested in studying and communicating in English.

Get in touch.
Liran emoji13


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Posted by WordPower英会話 at 23:34│Comments(0)先生のダイアリー (1) ▼

Golden Week memories..