
Sunny afternoon+

Had some quiet time today, driving a bit to a few spots I really like to hang at..
Had a great lunch/conv' at Cafe' Charleston.. my favorite thing on the menu, the curry omelette was as awesome as always, great coffee too, plus I got to see some amazing new plants I've never seen before. (Nori san, thank you for the tomatoesemoji01)
Then I drove to have a moment at the beach in Haibara, making a short but fun stop at the local This Is Cafe branch.. had a huge cup of latte for an extra boost(maybe all the coffee I had today is the reason I can't yet feel like going to sleep, even though it's past midnight?! lol icon61icon61icon61
All in all, pretty great day. Hopeful tomorrow will be a sunny one as well... icon01

Cafe Charleston... icon15

Sunny afternoon+

Sunny afternoon+

Sunny afternoon+

Sunny afternoon+

Sunny afternoon+

This Is Cafe... icon15

Sunny afternoon+

emoji13 Good night..

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Sunny afternoon+